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Hydration Top Tips

Hydration Top Tips

Posted by Marie-Eve Maitland on 7th Jun 2023

We all know that drinking plenty of fluids is an important thing. Keeping our overall water levels topped up is important if we want to feel good.
Hydration is important all year round. But when the summer months arrive and those temperatures start to soar, the importance of being hydrated becomes even more relevant.
To help you stay hydrated this summer, we’ve put together this handy guide.

How does Hydration Work?

Each cell, organ and piece of tissue that comprises our wonderful bodies needs water to do its job and function properly.
If you do not have enough water in your body, the various tasks that require water to do will be affected. This can manifest in some peculiar and unwanted ways. These can include headaches, dizziness, cramps, and lethargy. But by drinking the right amounts of liquid and staying hydrated, you can avoid any unwanted effects and stay feeling your best.

Hydration and Heat

Each cell, organ and piece of tissue that comprises our wonderful bodies needs water to do its job and function properly.

If you do not have enough water in your body, the various tasks that require water to do will be affected. This can manifest in some peculiar and unwanted ways. These can include headaches, dizziness, cramps, and lethargy.

By drinking the right amounts of liquid and staying hydrated, you can avoid any unwanted effects and stay feeling your best.

5 Easy Ways to Stay Hydrated


An easy sign is to pinch the skin on the back of your hand, after a few seconds release, the skin should flatten again immediately, if it takes a little while, you are likely dehydrated.


Aim to drink at least 2 Litres (women) and 3 Litres (men).

For more accurate levels, you can enter your weight, height, and activity levels in a water calculator online.

The amount will vary depending on the weather too but it will give you a ball park figure.  


Foods that have a higher water content like watermelon, organs, melons, berries, cucumber, celery, organic, grass-fed dairy like yogurt, and kefir.



How can your water become a super hydrator? Be adding electrolytes!
Electrolytes may help improve performance during exercise or help rehydrate you when in need among other benefits.


Make water more interesting by adding a little lemon, watermelon, oranges, ect. Or if you want something that will really re-hydrate (in my opinion) try ice cold coconut water.

I also recommend getting a really fun bottle to carry with you. Please don't buy single use plastic if you can avoid it and choose stainless steel, glass or BPA free plastic.

Ppppssssstt ... if you want filtered water, the best way to do this is by buying a home water filter such as Berkey, Santevia or OSMIO.

How Evolution Organics Can Help

At Evolution Organics, we have put together an excellent range of hydration products that can enable you to stay safe and hydrated this summer.
With water filters, electrolyte products, amino acids, and bottles to choose from, you can take a positive step towards staying more hydrated this summer.
In Health,
The Evolution Organics team