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Why you should start taking Vitamin D now!

Why you should start taking Vitamin D now!

Posted by Marie-Eve Maitland on 23rd Aug 2023

Love it or hate it, autumn is now nearly upon us in the UK. One likely change is that you are finding yourself spending less and less time out and about. Less sunshine and more time indoors can impact your physical and mental state. Fortunately there are a few things you can do to alleviate any symptoms.
Known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, Vitamin D can help bring several health benefits across a range of areas in your life. In our latest blog, we take a look at why now is the time of year to start taking Vitamin D, and some of the benefits of doing so.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in a few foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement. It is also produced when ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight strike the skin and trigger vitamin D synthesis.

Vitamin D is essential, and you need it, but the issue of getting into your system. This is because the major natural source of Vitamin D is via the sun’s rays. UVB radiation is how we get the bulk of our Vitamin D from sunlight. So, when the winter gets here and we find ourselves not only being outside less and less, we can be lacking the right amounts of Vitamin D.

Why is Vitamin D important?

Vitamin D plays a number of roles in your body’s system and a lack of it will heighten the risk of certain unwanted conditions or symptoms flaring up. Having the optimal levels of Vitamin D in your body can help you in a few (very) important ways.


The link between calcium and Vitamin D helps strengthen your bones and prevent softening and other unwanted and potentially very problematic issues.


Perhaps the most important role Vitamin D can play over the course of the dark and bleak winter months is helping you boost your immune system and avoid nasty colds and flus.


Having plenty Vitamin D in your system can help you fight the bacteria and viruses that lead to such grim illnesses, which often seem to rear their ugly head in the winter months.


There’s also research to suggest that Vitamin D in good levels can help lower the risk of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.


It’s also really important for young children to get enough Vitamin D. Low Vitamin D levels have been associated with conditions such as asthma and eczema.

Vitamin D is linked to serotonin. Serotonin is referred to as the “happiness hormone” for a reason. An optimal level of serotonin is of significant importance for the brain and mood.

What can happen if you lack Vitamin D?

But generally speaking, the lack of direct sunshine we get during the winter months can cause our Vitamin D levels to plummet to potentially problematic levels. If you are suffering from a lack of Vitamin D, there can be a number of effects that you may notice and can have a negative impact on your day to day.

So if you regularly find yourself having a touch of the sniffles or feeling under the weather, or perhaps more serious medical conditions, this could be due to a Vitamin D deficiency.
Equally, if you regularly feel tired and just not with it, that could be a sign that your Vitamin D levels aren’t what they could be.
Generally achiness, longer time for wounds to heal, and chronic pain are all common signs of Vitamin D deficiency.

How can I get more Vitamin D?


While the winter months do limit the amount of sunshine, we can expose ourselves to, not every day in the winter is grim and horrible. So when you do get a beautiful sunny winter’s day, make the most of it! Get out and take a walk or do some exercise and embrace the sun.




There are some foods that provide Vitamin D, such as fatty fish like tuna and mackerel. You can also get Vitamin D from foods including cheese and beef liver, as well as eggs.



One of the best ways to ensure that you get the right amount of Vitamin D (during period when the sun is scarce) is by taking supplements. That way you can help boost your immune system, feel better within yourself, and enjoy the benefits of Vitamin D.


Evolution Organics Vitamin D Supplements...

If supplementing is the route you choose to go down, it’s important to have a range of excellent Vitamin D products to choose from. Our range contains a host of Vitamin D supplements that can bring you the effects of the sunshine vitamin all year round.

You can find supplements from the likes of BetterYou, Purathrive, Vegetology Terranova Nutrition, Nutri Advanced, LipoLife and many more.

SPRAYS (easy and convenient way especially if you have trouble swallowing pills)
CAPSULES/TABLETS (easy to remember)
LIPOSOMAL (High bioavailability compared with other oral forms of supplements)
FOR KIDS (suppplements for your little ones)
VEGAN (may have lower vitamin D levels compared to vegetarians and meat-eaters - here are options)