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Colonic Detoxification

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  • PuraDyme LiyfZyme - 500 capsules


    PuraDyme LiyfZyme - 500 capsules


    Liyfzyme is an all-natural mix of 16 wholefood digestive enzymes, these enzymes are to be taken with food/ meals, however they can be taken on their own if needed. Digestive enzymyes help breakdown food and make nutrients more available.  We are...

It might not be everybody’s favourite topic of conversation, but having a healthy colon is important to your general digestive health and wellbeing.

The colon draws liquid from the food you eat. Whenever starchy foods are consumed, a glue-like substance can build up and stick to the walls of the colon.

The result is these substances becoming more and more toxic the longer they stay within the colon. Not only this, but these substances can hinder the function of the colon. The unpleasant outcome is the putrefaction of these substances and fewer nutrients from food being absorbed into the body.

One way to remove unwanted build up and return your colon to a healthy state is by using enema kits. At Evolution Organics, we offer a wide range of enema kits and supplies to help you improve your health and create a better internal environment.

We stock dedicated colon cleanse kits, as well as herbal and mineral blends. These items can help your colonic health and make you feel more comfortable and at ease.

There is also organic Enema Coffee available, which has been ‘air roasted’. This means there’s no chance of toxic residue being left on the bean, thus supporting your internal health.

Our range of colonic supplements and vitamins come from a host of trusted suppliers, including Purelife Health, Nutrigold, North American Herb and Spice and many more.