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How to start on your health journey...

How to start on your health journey...

Posted by Marie-Eve Maitland on 19th Apr 2016

There are many reasons why you might wish to change your diet for the better. It could be that you’ve been feeling a bit under the weather for a while, recovering from an illness, want to feel more energised or you’ve simply decided to give your body the lift it needs.

It can be very hard (and exciting) to find yourself in this situation. You want to be healthier but where do you start? We, at Evolution Organics, truly care about your health. We do not sell you products for the sake of it (we don't want them to end up forgotten at the back of your cupboards). We would rather you got a few key items that we feel will help your overall health.

But remember, supplements are exactly that: a supplement to a healthy diet that consist of organic, natural, unprocessed FOOD.

There are 3 key products we recommend when you start: a probiotic, an oil & a “green” food.


Probiotics can help restore and then maintain the beneficial microflora balance in your gut. You need a healthy gut to digest food properly and assimilate all its nutrients. You especially need probiotics when we’ve taken antibiotics, have digestive upsets, or are stressed. We always recommend a 3 month course of probiotics to start then it’s up to you if you wish to continue taking it. I tend to take it for a month after I’ve been on holiday or feel like my body needs a boost.

The food we consume on a day to day basis often contain probiotics such as organic Greek yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, miso soup, sourdough bread and raw cheese. 

See links below for information on some of our probiotics: 

  • Dr Mercola’s Probiotics
  • PuraDyme LiyfBiotic
  • Bio Kult Multi Strain Probiotics (my favourite).

Omega 3 fats are essential for optimal health and unfortunately the body does not produce them so they need to be consumed from the food we eat. Omega 3 is available in a plant base form (from freshly ground chia and flax seed for example) but it is also a good idea to get them from an animal source to get a full selection and in turn the optimal benefits.

However we know many of you stay clear of animal sources, which is why Vegetology's Opti3 Omega 3 EPA & DHA is a wonderful choice for an Omega 3 supplement, as the source of Omega fats come from Microalgae - which is after all where the marine animals get their omega 3 through the food chain!

See link below for information on some of our healthy oil: 

  • Clean Marine Krill Oil 
  • Green Pasture (my favourite - I take the Blue Ice Royal Butter Oil and Cod Liver Oil Blend).

The importance of adding green foods to your diet is primordial. Green foods such as chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass and barley grass are high in anti-oxidant and gently detox your body from the daily pollutants & heavy metals we ingest daily. Greens are also high in vitamins & minerals.

The greens foods mentioned above are also alkaline forming. Alkaline foods will improve digestion, skin tone, memory and concentration, increase your energy levels and, in time, reduce cravings for sugar, alcohol, coffee and other stimulants.

To incorporate greens to your diet why not add a green powder in your daily smoothie or mix with water and apple juice. 

See links below for greens "food": 

  • Living Fuel Super Greens
  • Synergy Supergreens in powder or capsule form 
  • Love Life Supplements Organic Greens 

Once you have taken these, you can tune up now and again depending on how you feel, seasons, illness, etc. For example, we get less sun in the winter so you can take a vitamin D during that time of the year. If I feel a bit under the weather I take Altrient Vitamin C and so on. 

Enjoy it! 

It's a great journey to be on...